
API to convert stablecoins to fiat money.

What is a payout?

A payout is an operation that moves funds from the sender's wallet to the receiver's bank account.

The payout can only be executed if a quote was created previously, and you have 5 minutes to execute the payout before the quote expires.

Please review how BlindPay manages the stablecoins in the flow of funds explanation.

How to mint USDB?

USDB is a fake ERC20 stablecoin powered by BlindPay to simulate payouts on development instances.

You can mint infinite USDB, but you need to add Ether to your wallet, so please get some Ether from

Put your instance_id on the following url<instance_id>/utilities/mint and mint USDB on Base Sepolia Testnet.

Approving tokens for being moved by BlindPay

All stablecoins supported by BlindPay are ERC20 tokens, so you need to call the approve method on the token contract to allow BlindPay to move the funds from any blockchain wallet.

Before approving the tokens, you need to have:

  1. A RPC provider URL from Base Sepolia Testnet
  2. A blockchain wallet with enough funds to execute the transaction
  3. The private key or any way to instantiate the blockchain wallet using ethers.js
  4. ERC20 token contract address (Provided by BlindPay on Quote API response)
  5. ERC20 ABI (Provided by BlindPay on Quote API response)
  6. BlindPay smart contract address (Provided by BlindPay on Quote API response)

To simulate an approval, we're going to use JavaScript to install express.js server and ethers.js library.

Before start, please ensure you have Node.js installed.

Now create a folder called approve-erc20. Inside the folder, please run the following command:

npm init

And now install the dependencies:

npm install express ethers

Now create a file called index.js inside it, paste the code below and replace the values with your own.

import express from "express";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

var app = express()

app.get("/", async function(req, res){
  // Before start
  const rpcProviderUrl = "<Replace this>" // You can get this from
  const walletPrivateKey = "<Replace this>" // This wallet must have ethers (which you can get here: and USDB (which you can get here<instance_id>/utilities/mint) to execute the transaction on step 2
  const instanceId = "<Replace this>"
  const blindpayApiKey = "<Replace this>"
  const bankAccountId = "<Replace this>"

  // BlindPay Api Configs
  const headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${blindpayApiKey}`

  // 1 Step: Create a quote
  const fiftyDollars = 5000
  const quoteBody = {
    "bank_account_id": bankAccountId,
    "currency_type": "sender",
    "cover_fees": false,
    "request_amount": fiftyDollars,
    "network": "base_sepolia", // "sepolia", "base_sepolia", "arbitrum_sepolia", "polygon_amoy"
    "token": "USDB" // on development instance is always "USDB"
  const createQuote = await fetch(`${instanceId}/quotes`, { headers, method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(quoteBody) });
  const quoteResponse = await createQuote.json();

  // 2 Step: Approve tokens
  const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(rpcProviderUrl,
  const yourWallet = new ethers.Wallet(walletPrivateKey, provider)
  const contract = new ethers.Contract(quoteResponse.contract.address, quoteResponse.contract.abi, provider)
  const contractSigner = contract.connect(yourWallet)

  const result = await contractSigner.approve(

    hash: result?.hash,

/* istanbul ignore next */
console.log("Express started on port 3000");

Now run you can run the code using the following command:

node index.js

Now access http://localhost:3000 and after some seconds you should see a result like this in your browser:


Creating a payout on EVM chains

You can check the required fields in the BlindPay API Docs.

Before creating a payout, you need to:

  1. Create an account on BlindPay
  2. Create a development instance
  3. Create your API key
  4. Create a receiver
  5. Add a bank account
  6. Generate a quote
  7. Approve the tokens
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "quote_id": "qu_000000000000",
  "sender_wallet_address": "<Replace this>"