
Environments to try all BlindPay features.

What is an instance?

An instance is an environment in which you can try all BlindPay features.

If your company has multiple environments (sandbox, staging, production), you can create a single instance for each one.

You cannot create instances through the API; you must create them through the BlindPay Dashboard.

Differences between development and production instances

Bank Accounts
Payout Quotes
Payin Quotes
KYCAuto approveAutomatic or manual review
NetworksEth Sepolia, Base Sepolia, Arbitrum Sepolia, Polygon AmoyBase, Polygon, Arbitrum
Api Keys

Creating an instance

Before creating an instance, you need to:

  1. Create an account on BlindPay

Now you can go to the BlindPay Dashboard and click on the Create instance button.

Create instance